Flags: --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man). --path=DIRECTORIES Directories where store shared files, separated by '|'. --port=PORT HTTP listening port(Default is 80). --allow=LIST Allowed IPv4 addresses(Allow any address by default).
White list mode: "listitem1[,listitem2,...]" e.g. "," allows this 10 addresses.
Black list mode: "not(listitem1[,listitem2,...])" e.g. "not(," bans this 10 addresses! --rule=LIST Access rules(anybody can access any thing by default).
List defines like:"USER:PWD:MASK[:DIR:MASK...][|...]":
1,USER and PWD is account name and password 2,MASK:''=NO present,'r'=read,'w'=write,'d'=delete 3,r=view+download,w=r+upload+create+rename,d=w+delete 4,DIR is directory name, allows wildcard('*' & '?') 5,The 3rd field is access mask of shared root directory 6,The optional fields is pairs of sub-directory and mask 7,The optional sub-directory's mask overwrite parent's 8,You should avoid '|' ':' and white space(exclude DIR)
For instance: "::|root:123456:rw" bans guest, and defines a account 'root' can do anything --log=DIRECTORY Log directory. Empty value will disable log. --file=FILE A configuration file which overwrites & enhence the settings. --version Show application version.